Monday 25 April 2011

Benefits of Reverse Brick Veneer

When it comes to brick veneer construction, most people automatically envision the bricks being on the outside of the home. However, there is another form of brick veneer construction that is much more effective and this is reverse brick veneer. Here we outline the benefits of reverse brick veneer (for other design options see architecture).

What is Reverse Brick Veneer?
Reverse brick veneer, in simple terms, is when the bricks (the thermal mass) are placed on the inside of the structural framing. The outside of the home has some form of cladding on the outside, and there is a layer of insulation between the cladding and the brickwork on the inside.

Why is Reverse Brick Veneer So Beneficial?
Reverse brick veneer construction is a preferred form of construction as the thermal mass is inside the building not outside. In traditional brick veneer, the bricks are on the outside and they contribute very little to heating and cooling efficiency. When the bricks are on the inside combined with insulation, the heat and cold from the outdoors is not transmitted into the home as the bricks are protected from the external weather conditions. This gives you the huge advantage of interior temperatures remaining much more stable. The occupants of the home are also much more comfortable.

In winter, the bricks on the inside of the home can store the heat that is coming into the room (either from windows, or from heaters) and radiate it back into the room when it is needed. The insulation behind the bricks stops the precious heat from escaping. In summer, keeping the windows and doors closed means that heat doesn’t enter the home as easily, and the thermal mass acts to cool the interior. At night, you simply open the windows to allow the cooler air to dissipate any heat in the brickwork.

If you are worried that reverse brick veneer means that have to live with brick interior walls, don’t be. Reverse brick veneer is very attractive and can be rendered or covered with plasterboard so you won’t even know that it is there if you don’t want to.

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